Protecting your Home in a Year of Inclement Weather

Written By Paul M There’s an old saying in Colorado that if you don’t like the weather here, just wait ten minutes. Thus far, 2023 has certainly borne that out: record rainfall in June. Mid-day sunshine giving way to crackling thunder, lightning and monsoons. And in July, residents of Highlands Ranch even weathered a rare tornado, which… Read more »

5 Reasons to Start Preparing for Your Home Improvement Project Early

Like many other home improvement companies, March is a time where Vivax starts putting on their gear and rolling up their sleeves for the start of the Spring and Summer seasons. While it may seem like a strange time to start preparing for your home improvement projects (Isn’t that snow we are seeing outside the window?), it is incredibly important to plan these kinds of jobs as far in advance as possible.

Vivax Pros Customer Service – Save time and money

While other home improvement companies may see “cutting corners” as an industry norm, Vivax Pros differentiates from the competition by raising the bar on industry standards through our un-matched customer service for your paint projects. Vivax Pros “all hands on deck” approach makes the process thorough and seamless for our Homeowners.  Our customer service starts with our Project Qualification Team.